Our journey to the South Gobi desert in Mongolia took hours, during which we sang and had fun. The Mongolian Contemporary Art Support Association organized the 'Lost Rivers' project, which entailed multiple activities. The project received assistance and involvement from the Blue Sun CACM.
We had the sensation of entering the Earth's belly when Mongolian and other international artists arrived in the Gobi Desert. There were round stones, yellow shades, and tones with a super soft grey everywhere. At times, these massive rocks seemed to convey tribal impressions to us. As it was the first time they arrived there, everyone felt touched, including the Mongolians who had been there before. The team was exceptional. There are instances when things happen exactly as planned by someone. Mongolians have a strong belief in the spirit of the earth, which is why almost all Mongolians praise the wild nature in their hearts with silent reverence. International artists have a great time in Mongolian singing, joking in a language that is difficult to comprehend, and the country where genuine nomads live. While opening their minds in free space, everyone was extremely enthusiastic. The Gobi desert's creativity and wild animals everywhere created a unique ambiance between us.
Our performances are being worked on by splitting into multiple groups. I have joined the performance art team called 'Nomad Wave'. I have always had a fondness for this Mongolian performance art group, which is the first in the country. Their performance style is frequently outside in free space, and their concept is sometimes as 'Beyond Concepts' to me.
In brief, blue, white, and round exits in every waveform. Every form of nomadic presence is affected by this wave. The sky and infinite blue space are admired by everyone due to their pure white intuition. It feels as if the wind is moving freely in every atom. The force that is conscious...
Every day, we carried out our work in the Gobi desert with great humility and creativity.
We transform into water, dry, turn our water form into air, and encounter various earth elements.
I am fond of dancing. My dance has been transformed into something new within the earth's belly, where we all woke up.
Ulziibat Enkhtur
Photo: Chinbold Lhagvasuren